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I connected to the Dynamic Prayer Network’s “An Evening in the Supernatural” Conference Call that is hosted via Facebook live on Monday Nights, to receive prayer for healing.
Kay Rhodes
Geraldine, originally from Venezuela now lives in North Carolina. She says the prayer line has changed her life by changing her perspective on how to press in.
Geraldine Eldrei
The time of fasting deepened my sensitivity to hearing God’s voice more and I was able to get the understanding of my dream.How awesome is our God!
Desiree Wood
Dynamic Fasting Team

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February 12, 2020

“When I was first introduced to the prayerline, I was extremely intimidated. I thought there would be no way that I could pray the way they did. Everyone seemed so confident and close to the Lord. Martiele pushed me to participate. I am glad I finally did, because it has changed my life dramatically. I finally learned how to pray. Not some memorized prayer, but a real prayer from my heart. Through this, my faith has increased and I have a personal relationship with the Lord. In fact, I am even a Prayer Captain now.

What I love most about being a Prayer Captain (and the prayerline in general) is that I am able to see and hear people of different areas, different ethnicities, and different walks of life coming together to express their faith in the Lord and their love in other people. The personal ministry that we do through the prophetic word is very powerful. At first, it was difficult for me. I was told to stop thinking. My whole life I was always taught the opposite. Now, I am able to stop and allow the Lord to speak through me, sometimes in prayer and sometimes in the prophetic word.

I have found that the true value of the prayerline is that on a personal basis, it becomes easier to pray and open up your heart to the Lord. As a group, the more people who pray together, the more powerful it becomes. At first the prayerline may seem impossible, but once you get involved it will change your life, and your relationship with Him.”

Frank Gudicello
August 30, 2019

First of all, I have to say that being a part of the prayer line is a great opportunity to practice the prophetic. I am very new to this, and I really love getting the words. They were so accurate and just for directions in my life. In practicing it, you know to give words to other people.” Linda thought for anyone that is new to the prophetic, after receiving their prophetic word, be given a moment to confirm the degree of accuracy and validity of the words spoken over their life.

Linda agrees with Martiele’s teaching for everyone, including Linda herself. Martiele suggested pressing in, reading the bible, and praying more before joining in on the prayer line.

Linda remarks, “It is a wonderful teaching and a great opportunity. Martiele, you have been so inspiring. Thank you.”

August 18, 2019

I feel very blessed to have found the prayerline. It allowed me to connect with people that love the Lord the way that I do. When I first came on the prayerline, my life was filled with tons of stress, both emotionally and financially. Through the prayers and the teachings of the people at DPN and the prayerline, I was able to truly trust in the Lord. I got a connection with Him stronger than I had ever experienced. By praying and trusting in the Lord, I was able to get through the tough times. My favorite part about the prayerline is that everyone has a chance to pray. It also allows us to get vulnerable, which for me is very important. I thank God every day for helping me to find these wonderful teachers.

Shante Berry

September 18, 2021

Very unique things have come about as a direct result of working with Martiele and the other members of the DPN Network. Incredible things occur whenever you feel that God has moved you in a certain direction. You become a huge target and the enemy is going to do anything he can to knock you off track. He doesn’t want you to tap into that blessing. He doesn’t want you to hear from the Lord. One of the things that were desperately needed in the Martiele Swanko Ministries and the DPN Network was a computer. I hurt my back so bad that it caused me to spend two days spread out on a bed in severe pain. I went to the emergency room for treatment. They gave me some pain medications and sent me on my way. I called Martiele and as I was talking with her, she sensed that something was wrong. She asked, “What’s going on?” I told her that I was experiencing back pain. She says, “Stop what you are doing. Put your hand on your back.” She began praying, and then asked, “How are you feeling now?” I say, “You know…” She says, “Get up and move around, do things that you are supposed to be doing.” I started doing what she told me to do. In seconds I realized that I was healed. I haven’t had any repercussions since. The pain is completely gone! Once again the DPN network is a work that God has ordained. HE has put it together. It is for anybody and everybody who jumps in. God is going to start moving in your life. He is going to knock down walls and put you in connection with the blessing

Bob Morgan
August 23, 2021

I was already kind of operating in several gifts when I started taking the Ministering Spiritual Gifts classes; However, I felt I needed some clarity and guidance. Sometimes we operate in a gift and have not been taught about it, and I came here for the training and structure, to help move me forward into what God has called me to do. This class has really thrown water on my face. I have been rejuvenated and have been more at peace. I run a ministry from home, and people call me for this, that, or the other because they can see a gift in me that I didn’t realize was there. Now that I have realized this, I enjoy praying and worshipping so much more. I’ve learned from this class exactly how much worshipping can do, that it brings forward the presence of the Lord. We’re in ministry, but sometimes we don’t get into His presence. Sometimes we are doing things out of order, and we’re not obtaining His presence when He is there. It’s important to me that everytime I am in His presence that He is allowed to achieve His purposes and teach me. I hear His voice now more than ever before, and I hear him with clarity. I just thank God for this class because we need teachings like this. We need a shepherd to guide the sheep, but the shepherds are not always where they need to be. I thank God for this opportunity. I accidentally discovered the Dynamic School of Ministry online many, many years ago, and I finally got here. I thank God for the timing. It was perfect timing.

Sharon Rollins
July 27, 2021

My name is Michael, and I am from Atlanta, Georgia. I was going to church for some time, and I can relate to Frank when he was talking about his earlier days as a child. I never really had an understanding of the scripture. After about six years regularly attending my church, I met Carol. Carol and I began to talk, and she started ministering to me. She made me realize that I was still a baby in Christ’s eyes. I started practicing reading the scripture and I ended up going to a school of discipleship. On May 2nd I was baptized. I received the Holy Spirit and it really kept driving me on. In the meantime, I sat in and listened to the prayerline because I was afraid to talk. I didn’t feel confident enough to say the things that I wanted to say, and I also didn’t know if I would say them correctly. I was a bit embarrassed to admit that, but once I started listening and as I pressed in to the Lord, he started showing me things. I don’t think I was quiet enough, because silence and listening to His word is what really brings Him into being able to speak with me. As I moved towards that, I decided to go ahead and start participating. The prayerline has been a catalyst for hearing prophetic word and actually speaking prophetic word. I feel very blessed to come on the prayerline and speak with everyone, and advance my relationship with the Lord. I would encourage everyone to press in and step up. It can change your life. It has certainly changed mine. I have finally turned it all over to God, and he keeps showing me the right path and helping me to be at peace. I thank you all so much for that opportunity.

Michael Putnum