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I connected to the Dynamic Prayer Network’s “An Evening in the Supernatural” Conference Call that is hosted via Facebook live on Monday Nights, to receive prayer for healing.
Kay Rhodes
Geraldine, originally from Venezuela now lives in North Carolina. She says the prayer line has changed her life by changing her perspective on how to press in.
Geraldine Eldrei
The time of fasting deepened my sensitivity to hearing God’s voice more and I was able to get the understanding of my dream.How awesome is our God!
Desiree Wood
Dynamic Fasting Team

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October 21, 2018

Geraldine, originally from Venezuela now lives in South Carolina. She says the prayer line has changed her life by changing her perspective on how to press in. “It is simply using all of our senses and the Holy Spirit, because it feels like we are on sleep mode. We think that we cannot hear, but I don’t think that is the case. I think that we are asleep,” says Geraldine.

Geraldine received activation for night dreams from Martiele at the end of a prayer session, and since then she has been dreaming. As God speaks to her through these dreams, she asks Him for the meaning.

“This has been a true blessing to have this prayerline. I get to share and to learn things that I wouldn’t find at church. Thank you

August 14, 2018

“I truly believe that God Almighty put Martiele and her Ministry in my life. When I was introduced to the Prayerline, I was in a terrible, lonely, and desperate time of my life. It gave me hope when I absolutely had none. I was prayed for and given words of wisdom. My favorite part of the Prayerline is the one on one ministry. I have learned so much about myself, and my relationship with the Lord through these teachings. It has become a wonderful part of my life. I know that is has been through their prayers, that I have been offered serenity.”

I have a disabled son, and I was trying to bring him to the United States for a doctor’s appointment and treatment. Everything started falling apart. I wasn’t able to get a permit to bring him there, I had no money, and I had no plane tickets. I talked to Martiele and the others on the prayerline about this. They began to pray for me and as they did, I put my phone on mute and began to cry. I felt so powerless. Once again, Martiele kept pounding into my head to trust in the Lord and to keep praying. I couldn’t believe it, but my prayers were actually answered. Just a few days before I wanted to leave, everything fell into place and we were able to go. I was completely blown away. To say that DPN Network and the wonderful people on the prayerline have helped me is a major understatement. Through their teachings my life has been completely transformed.”

Joyce Williams
October 24, 2017

Being a part of the Prayerline has completely changed my life. Before I found the wonderful people associated with Martiele Swanko Ministries, I was bored. I had lot of time on my hands and I wasn’t doing anything with it. Now my life is full of love and prayer, and my relationship with the Lord is greater than ever. I am so excited to be a part of the Prayerline. In fact, I enjoy it so much that I find myself counting down the minutes and staring at the clock, just waiting for the Prayerline to start. I get to pray and feel connected with a community of real, genuine Christians. I have been able to draw strength from the faith and prayers of the people I have met through the Prayerline. There is no deception here; everyone is filled with true love, compassion, and faith.

I was in fact, healed by their prayers. I have always suffered from terrible migraines. Sometimes they were so bad that I would have to go to the emergency room. I asked them to pray for me, and the pain and the headaches have gradually subsided. I no longer have terrible migraines, and I believe that it is through the power of prayer and God that I could be healed.

It is a miracle that I found DPN and Martiele Swanko Ministries. It opened up a whole new faith-building outlet for me. I cannot express in words just how much I love being a part of the Prayerline. It has brought me so much joy and unbelievable happiness. More than anything it has deepened my faith in Him, and I have finally found where I belong.

Sherry Seabolt

July 18, 2021

I was really desperate. I had no friends, no fellowship. I was living with a lot of fear and envy. I can’t really remember how I found DPN. I think I typed “prayer network,” on the internet. I remained at DPN because there was fellowship and it was helping me. It gave me hope and direction. I came to the belief that things would get better. It gave me a lifeline that things will get better because I had a place to stay connected too and fellowship with a group of people who could encourage and pray for me. The best part is that I was able to connect with the Body from the comfort of my own home!

July 11, 2021

I came here because I was looking for an intercessory prayer team that I could connect too. A group that burns with a similar vision and like-minds. I have always looked for a place where the people believe in the gifts of the Spirit and flow heavily in the prophetic. DPN has everything I was looking for in a fervent prayer group.

May 15, 2021

I had a friend who invited me to come on the prayer call one night. She suffered a lot of oppression. It was almost like a cloud that followed her around and one day, I looked over at her and I asked. “What happened to you?” And she told me, “I met a woman who was sitting next to me at church and she invited me to join her prayer group.” I was curious to know who, because the change was so dramatic, so I decided to join the prayer call to see for myself. I joined out of curiosity to see and meet the people that delivered my friend. I ended up staying myself because there was a strong anointing, powerful healings, and the spirit of God flowed in big ways.

I was having a hard time because anytime I wanted to come on, there was always something very distracting to keep me away. Things kept on getting in the way, and then, the anointing on Martiele led her to call me one day and the distractions broke off and all of a sudden, I was able to stay. I see this place as a lifeline and you guys are like my family and whenever I hear everyone speak, it’s like a radio show and you’re all dialing in and it is always wonderful to listen to you all speak about how you were all changed.