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The prayer line has been a lifeline for me. I am originally from Miami, and I have moved around quite a bit in past several years. I have been on this prayer line for a few years now, and it has radically changed my life. I was “born again” in 1981, however I never really had stability in my walk with Christ until I joined the prayerline. Being a part of the prayer line, I feel there is a supernatural protection over us. Prayer shields us as we come together. I feel God is honoring our prayers, and my walk with The Lord has grown more in these past two years than in the entire thirty years that I have been saved. I simply praise God. When Monday comes around, the very thought of being on the prayerline makes my spirit leap! I truly love it and feel incredibly blessed to be a part of something so beautiful.
Even though I didn’t know anyone in Texas, I believe the Lord moved me here for a reason. The prayerline was a lifeline to me, because it kept me going through really difficult times. It also helps to keep my gift sharpened. I used to do ministry every weekend when I was in Florida, but when I moved here it was very different. They only have ministry teams during big events.
Since beginning this class, I would say that my level of understanding has climbed to a six or seven, on a scale of 1 to 10. I had sporadically heard about How to Hear from God while involved at DPN, but it wasn’t until I took this class that I learned a powerful life lesson: I did not know that you had to press in to hear the Lord; I thought it was something that just happened all the time! Geraldine, originally from Venezuela now lives in South Carolina. She says the prayer line has changed her life by changing her perspective on how to press in. “It is simply using all of our senses and the Holy Spirit, because it feels like we are on sleep mode. We think that we cannot hear, but I don’t think that is the case. I think that we are asleep,” says Geraldine. Geraldine received activation for night dreams from Martiele at the end of a prayer session, and since then she has been dreaming. As God speaks to her through these dreams, she asks Him for the meaning. “This has been a true blessing to have this prayerline. I get to share and to learn things that I wouldn’t find at church. Thank you “I truly believe that God Almighty put Martiele and her Ministry in my life. When I was introduced to the Prayerline, I was in a terrible, lonely, and desperate time of my life. It gave me hope when I absolutely had none. I was prayed for and given words of wisdom. My favorite part of the Prayerline is the one on one ministry. I have learned so much about myself, and my relationship with the Lord through these teachings. It has become a wonderful part of my life. I know that is has been through their prayers, that I have been offered serenity.” I have a disabled son, and I was trying to bring him to the United States for a doctor’s appointment and treatment. Everything started falling apart. I wasn’t able to get a permit to bring him there, I had no money, and I had no plane tickets. I talked to Martiele and the others on the prayerline about this. They began to pray for me and as they did, I put my phone on mute and began to cry. I felt so powerless. Once again, Martiele kept pounding into my head to trust in the Lord and to keep praying. I couldn’t believe it, but my prayers were actually answered. Just a few days before I wanted to leave, everything fell into place and we were able to go. I was completely blown away. To say that DPN Network and the wonderful people on the prayerline have helped me is a major understatement. Through their teachings my life has been completely transformed.”
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