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My name is Hanna and I’m from North Carolina. I was going to share that I attended 3 classes last week and I’ve been ministered to in an incredible way. Everything that was spoken about my life was true. I believe that the people ministering to me were hearing God’s heart. When I heard their words, it gave me hope. The kind of hope to know just how faithful God is and how much he loves me. I know there is a future for me, and it was spoken over me in Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans I have for you, plans of hope and a future.” The class on valuing honor was very enlightening. It reminded me of how important it is to honor others, especially those in authority over me regardless of whether or not I agree with them. I know that God is testing my heart, and I will reap what I sow. This will remind me to be a light for Jesus at all times. This past saturday I was at a praise dance conference, and there was a woman that makes flags. As she was talking, she was telling us that we need to read the Word to learn why we do certain things. When I heard the word “knowledge,” I also heard the word “authority.” When you know what you’re doing in the spirit and are aware of it, you have authority. This class has helped make me aware of his voice. It has taught me to be aware of what I’m doing in the spirit, so I’m not walking around aimlessly. I can discern and know His voice because I am one of His sheep, and He is my shepherd. I don’t have to doubt that I’m hearing his voice. Also, since beginning this class, I am now seeing visions too, and they’re becoming more frequent. All of this was new to me. I never really knew anything about prophecy which is why I joined the class. I was always pretty bold, but the Ministering Spiritual Gifts course has helped me realize that I was really hearing God because I was ministering to people I had never met before. Even when I’m out in public, I hear Him and go for it. Now I’m like “God, I know it’s you, so I’m gonna go for it.” I don’t even question it. It’s also helped me a lot with my women’s ministry.
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