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Being a part of the Prayerline has completely changed my life. Before I found the wonderful people associated with Martiele Swanko Ministries, I was bored. I had lot of time on my hands and I wasn’t doing anything with it. Now my life is full of love and prayer, and my relationship with the Lord is greater than ever. I am so excited to be a part of the Prayerline. In fact, I enjoy it so much that I find myself counting down the minutes and staring at the clock, just waiting for the Prayerline to start. I get to pray and feel connected with a community of real, genuine Christians. I have been able to draw strength from the faith and prayers of the people I have met through the Prayerline. There is no deception here; everyone is filled with true love, compassion, and faith. I was in fact, healed by their prayers. I have always suffered from terrible migraines. Sometimes they were so bad that I would have to go to the emergency room. I asked them to pray for me, and the pain and the headaches have gradually subsided. I no longer have terrible migraines, and I believe that it is through the power of prayer and God that I could be healed. It is a miracle that I found DPN and Martiele Swanko Ministries. It opened up a whole new faith-building outlet for me. I cannot express in words just how much I love being a part of the Prayerline. It has brought me so much joy and unbelievable happiness. More than anything it has deepened my faith in Him, and I have finally found where I belong. I go on the prayerline about 5 times a month. I think it is an excellent venue to continue praying to the Lord, and to join with other people that like to pray the way I do. It also encourages me to take part in the Monday fasting. I love how accessible the prayerline is. Sometimes I call in and put my phone on mute. I really like hearing what some of the people have to say. If you are looking for an easily accessible outlet to pray to the Lord and hear some prophetic word, then I highly suggest checking out what the DPN Network and the Prayerline have to offer. The Ministering Spiritual Gifts classes have helped tremendously with my confidence. When I started, I would say I was only at a five out of ten, and I would say now I’m a strong seven. By the time I finish these courses, I’ll be at a nine or ten. Since taking this course, I’ve been ministering to people with more confidence, and I’ve become bolder about it. I used to get nervous before I had to minister to or pray for someone. I would definitely recommend this class to anyone who not only wants to learn prophecy but who also wants to improve his or her prayer life. This class has helped me stay motivated and to stay in the Word. There was one statement that stood out at the beginning of this course, and it has made all the difference in the world for me: “Everything we do is by faith!” it made me realize that I had to stop looking for and acting by myself. I have learned to seek the Holy Spirit instead of my own counsel if there was something that need to be said or given to someone or if there was a song, vision, or word. I have learned to rely on the Holy Spirit so much more.
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