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I connected to the Dynamic Prayer Network’s “An Evening in the Supernatural” Conference Call that is hosted via Facebook live on Monday Nights, to receive prayer for healing.
Kay Rhodes
Geraldine, originally from Venezuela now lives in North Carolina. She says the prayer line has changed her life by changing her perspective on how to press in.
Geraldine Eldrei
The time of fasting deepened my sensitivity to hearing God’s voice more and I was able to get the understanding of my dream.How awesome is our God!
Desiree Wood
Dynamic Fasting Team

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July 13, 2017

I was introduced to the DPN Network prayerline by friends and sisters in Christ, Geraldine and Linda. Geraldine mentioned the pressing in to prayer and the prophetic words that changed her life.

I decided to join in on the prayer conference just to listen and observe. I felt an urgency to do so, and I didn’t want to miss the moment. Geraldine has been on the conference call several times. She told me that at first she felt like she stepped into a realm over her head. She said, “I wouldn’t consider myself prophetic or anything, but the love and intimacy that emanated from the phone call superseded everything, and quelled that feeling very fast. I realized that it was not just praying for an hour, we broke bread and had fellowship in the spirit.”

I learned that although I am in North Carolina, there is no distance in the spirit when people from around the globe join in on the prayer line. The leaders of it are so wonderful. Listening to them is humbling, and the mantles that they carry are quite regal. They wear it and operate it very well. I find myself eager, hungry and ready for more. I feel so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this. I would highly recommend joining in on the prayerline. I have a friend lined up from Ireland that I would love share this with. I can’t wait to tell her about it when she gets back in town.

Desiree Mondesire
June 25, 2017

I am a pastor, and I really enjoy being a part of the DPN Network Prayerline. It allows for lots of prophetic speaking, and it allows me to pour into others. I have received many phone calls from people whose prayers have been answered through the prayerline. Martiele’s Ministries help so many people, and it is a blessing to be a part of it.

Michael Fullilove
October 17, 2016

Many years ago, the Lord spoke to me of fasting and prayer. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to comply. I struggled with it for a long time. I have been a Christian my whole life. Everything has always been fairly stable, but I was not getting the results I desired. I always felt lonely. I needed someone to pray with. When I found the prayerline, it changed my life. I didn’t feel alone anymore. I finally found people to worship the Lord with. It has given me a sense of community and belonging. My relationship with Him has grown in leaps and bounds since I joined the prayerline. I have also had many prayers answered. I have been healed of pain, found the community I so longed for, learned discipline, and I feel that I have finally found my destiny. Today, I am truly happy.

Pat Monroe

October 19, 2019

For me, taking this class was an act of stepping out and being bold. I’ve never really practiced seeking Words for people. I’ve done it before but not on a regular basis. This class has really pushed me to be bold and seek the Holy Spirit, to listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling me. It’s encouraged me and given me more boldness. Learning about the prophetic was very new to me.

Claudia Coletta
August 30, 2019

First of all, I have to say that being a part of the prayer line is a great opportunity to practice the prophetic. I am very new to this, and I really love getting the words. They were so accurate and just for directions in my life. In practicing it, you know to give words to other people.” Linda thought for anyone that is new to the prophetic, after receiving their prophetic word, be given a moment to confirm the degree of accuracy and validity of the words spoken over their life.

Linda agrees with Martiele’s teaching for everyone, including Linda herself. Martiele suggested pressing in, reading the bible, and praying more before joining in on the prayer line.

Linda remarks, “It is a wonderful teaching and a great opportunity. Martiele, you have been so inspiring. Thank you.”

August 18, 2019

I feel very blessed to have found the prayerline. It allowed me to connect with people that love the Lord the way that I do. When I first came on the prayerline, my life was filled with tons of stress, both emotionally and financially. Through the prayers and the teachings of the people at DPN and the prayerline, I was able to truly trust in the Lord. I got a connection with Him stronger than I had ever experienced. By praying and trusting in the Lord, I was able to get through the tough times. My favorite part about the prayerline is that everyone has a chance to pray. It also allows us to get vulnerable, which for me is very important. I thank God every day for helping me to find these wonderful teachers.

Shante Berry