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I connected to the Dynamic Prayer Network’s “An Evening in the Supernatural” Conference Call that is hosted via Facebook live on Monday Nights, to receive prayer for healing.
Kay Rhodes
Geraldine, originally from Venezuela now lives in North Carolina. She says the prayer line has changed her life by changing her perspective on how to press in.
Geraldine Eldrei
The time of fasting deepened my sensitivity to hearing God’s voice more and I was able to get the understanding of my dream.How awesome is our God!
Desiree Wood
Dynamic Fasting Team

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July 15, 2014

What would you do if the doctors told you that you have to live with the pain and suffering from your illness for the rest of your life? David Quare faced just that. He had been living with a lung infection for almost 6 years, and taking large doses of antibiotics, to rid him of a very serious infection. Finally, his doctor recommended surgery. In May 2015, David underwent a 11.5-hour surgery to cut out the Infection in his lungs. After surgery, David still suffered from severe pain and breathing problems. His doctors told him he would have to live with it for the rest of his life. David stated, “I would get dizzy walking just a few feet, I’d be fighting for air every time I went to feed the chickens in my backyard.” David’s pain was so severe that he would try anything not to laugh, cough or sneeze because it would make him want to “get out of his skin” just to escape the pain. At times, the pain level was about a 9, and extremely painful.

In March 2017, David joined in on DPN’s Miracle Night… An evening in the Supernatural. David requested prayer for His lung condition. Martiele prayed for David, and afterward, she told David to take 3 deep breaths… to do something, He could not do before. David started to take his first breath, and noticed for the first time in almost 7 years, that his lung filled up completely with air. He began to take another breath while thanking Jesus for His healing. David was able to take breathes with almost zero pain. He could laugh again! David stated, “The Doctors gave me no hope. They told me I would have to live with this pain for the rest of my life. My breathing would never get better.”

Today, I am a walking testimony of the power of God.” David now goes fishing with his children, can feed the chickens without having any trouble breathing, run, and walk without having to stop for air. The pain that used to be debilitating, had been reduced to barely anything. Sometimes, It is not even there. He can sneeze, laugh and cough without pain. When asked, What would you say to someone you know that has severe pain? David exclaimed, I’d tell them, “Call into the prayer line on a Monday night, and get your heart ready to receive your miracle!

David Quare
July 23, 2013

The Ministering Spiritual Gifts class has changed me spiritually. It has helped me fine tune my ability to hear the Lord’s voice and acknowledge His truth in my life. For instance, in the beginning of the year, I returned to the workforce, and I had this overwhelming feeling about something at work; I was being prompted to prepare for an event, so I prayed and praised the Lord. He was preparing me to deal with losing a coworker and friend at work, and because I understood now how the Holy Spirit works, I was able to handle it in a peaceful way when it happened. I’m a manager in a business and I supervise many people, losing a friend and coworker put me in a difficult place. The Lord was merciful in His prophesy of it. I still have so much to learn, but I now see visions and sense things and am able to speak out over them.

Angela Wolfgang