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I connected to the Dynamic Prayer Network’s “An Evening in the Supernatural” Conference Call that is hosted via Facebook live on Monday Nights, to receive prayer for healing.
Kay Rhodes
Geraldine, originally from Venezuela now lives in North Carolina. She says the prayer line has changed her life by changing her perspective on how to press in.
Geraldine Eldrei
The time of fasting deepened my sensitivity to hearing God’s voice more and I was able to get the understanding of my dream.How awesome is our God!
Desiree Wood
Dynamic Fasting Team

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July 11, 2021

I came here because I was looking for an intercessory prayer team that I could connect too. A group that burns with a similar vision and like-minds. I have always looked for a place where the people believe in the gifts of the Spirit and flow heavily in the prophetic. DPN has everything I was looking for in a fervent prayer group.

May 15, 2021

I had a friend who invited me to come on the prayer call one night. She suffered a lot of oppression. It was almost like a cloud that followed her around and one day, I looked over at her and I asked. “What happened to you?” And she told me, “I met a woman who was sitting next to me at church and she invited me to join her prayer group.” I was curious to know who, because the change was so dramatic, so I decided to join the prayer call to see for myself. I joined out of curiosity to see and meet the people that delivered my friend. I ended up staying myself because there was a strong anointing, powerful healings, and the spirit of God flowed in big ways.

I was having a hard time because anytime I wanted to come on, there was always something very distracting to keep me away. Things kept on getting in the way, and then, the anointing on Martiele led her to call me one day and the distractions broke off and all of a sudden, I was able to stay. I see this place as a lifeline and you guys are like my family and whenever I hear everyone speak, it’s like a radio show and you’re all dialing in and it is always wonderful to listen to you all speak about how you were all changed.

April 5, 2021

I came to DPN looking for a prayer group. People to agree with me in prayer. People that knew how to pray. Some people are really looking for a prayer partner or somebody to come into agreement with them, for you know, whatever they’re going through at the time. It is hard sometimes to find people that are dedicated to prayer. It was very appealing to me to find a group of people that loved to pray. Also, I could not make it to my church to pray on the days they prayed, but I could make it here because you are doing it over the phone. Therefore, I was able to connect and come more frequently. I love this aspect of the ministry. It is a great fit for a busy Mom.


October 15, 2021

The DPN prayerline is more than just a place of prayer. It is a calling that God ordains in your life to prepare and propel you forward into the next level of your life. Many years prior to joining the prayer line, God revealed to me that this would be the season and time for a fine-tuning of the elevation and the call on my own life. Press in no matter what is in your way, taste and see that the Lord is good.

Debra Gaynor
September 25, 2021

Well, I really wanted to be around people that loved and fear the Lord. I got attracted to DPN because of its steadfast and continuous prayer culture. They keep on praying because it’s powerful and it helps us to get closer to the Lord. I found a group of committed Believers…it was attractive to me.

September 24, 2021

I came to the Prayer Network because a friend invited me. She was concerned about me because I was working on Sunday and couldn’t attend church, nor find a church that had a service on another day. I did find one on a Friday, but it just wasn’t for me. I needed community and fellowship with other Christians. I also needed to step up my prayer life. I was petrified of speaking out in public with prayer and DPN has helped me step out and grow. I have come a long way. I’ve grown more online at DPN than in the local church because I am more involved and get called on to participate. More opportunities are given to me to grow, and I’m thrilled! You truly have the heart to make disciples.