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I connected to the Dynamic Prayer Network’s “An Evening in the Supernatural” Conference Call that is hosted via Facebook live on Monday Nights, to receive prayer for healing.
Kay Rhodes
Geraldine, originally from Venezuela now lives in North Carolina. She says the prayer line has changed her life by changing her perspective on how to press in.
Geraldine Eldrei
The time of fasting deepened my sensitivity to hearing God’s voice more and I was able to get the understanding of my dream.How awesome is our God!
Desiree Wood
Dynamic Fasting Team

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September 24, 2021

I came to the Prayer Network because a friend invited me. She was concerned about me because I was working on Sunday and couldn’t attend church, nor find a church that had a service on another day. I did find one on a Friday, but it just wasn’t for me. I needed community and fellowship with other Christians. I also needed to step up my prayer life. I was petrified of speaking out in public with prayer and DPN has helped me step out and grow. I have come a long way. I’ve grown more online at DPN than in the local church because I am more involved and get called on to participate. More opportunities are given to me to grow, and I’m thrilled! You truly have the heart to make disciples.

July 27, 2021

My name is Michael, and I am from Atlanta, Georgia. I was going to church for some time, and I can relate to Frank when he was talking about his earlier days as a child. I never really had an understanding of the scripture. After about six years regularly attending my church, I met Carol. Carol and I began to talk, and she started ministering to me. She made me realize that I was still a baby in Christ’s eyes. I started practicing reading the scripture and I ended up going to a school of discipleship. On May 2nd I was baptized. I received the Holy Spirit and it really kept driving me on. In the meantime, I sat in and listened to the prayerline because I was afraid to talk. I didn’t feel confident enough to say the things that I wanted to say, and I also didn’t know if I would say them correctly. I was a bit embarrassed to admit that, but once I started listening and as I pressed in to the Lord, he started showing me things. I don’t think I was quiet enough, because silence and listening to His word is what really brings Him into being able to speak with me. As I moved towards that, I decided to go ahead and start participating. The prayerline has been a catalyst for hearing prophetic word and actually speaking prophetic word. I feel very blessed to come on the prayerline and speak with everyone, and advance my relationship with the Lord. I would encourage everyone to press in and step up. It can change your life. It has certainly changed mine. I have finally turned it all over to God, and he keeps showing me the right path and helping me to be at peace. I thank you all so much for that opportunity.

Michael Putnum
July 18, 2021

I was really desperate. I had no friends, no fellowship. I was living with a lot of fear and envy. I can’t really remember how I found DPN. I think I typed “prayer network,” on the internet. I remained at DPN because there was fellowship and it was helping me. It gave me hope and direction. I came to the belief that things would get better. It gave me a lifeline that things will get better because I had a place to stay connected too and fellowship with a group of people who could encourage and pray for me. The best part is that I was able to connect with the Body from the comfort of my own home!


March 17, 2022

Based on my situation, I was searching for something more. Beyond just going to church on Sundays and something beyond the usual traditions. I stumbled on DPN on the internet and I joined the prayer group. This is what really attracted me to DPN.

I was looking for a place where I would read the Bible by myself and some of it was related to the pandemic also and expanding myself in the faith. In other words, I get to learn A lot more here and it’s so different compared to the church that I go to. It’s more like an expansion of like-minded believers that I could grow with. For instance, I go to a Catholic church and the priests don’t really talk about anything beyond Catholicism and the various terms. My view is that I serve God and that’s number one and to a certain extent, my mind is that I am a non-denominational believer because God is who I serve, I’m a Christian and a part of the body of Christ. So, beyond the institution of the church and Catholicism. I am a Christian before I am anything else so that’s the way I look at it but it depends on your viewpoint but that’s how I see it, that I’m not just stuck in a denomination or believe that one denomination is superior in any way than others. It’s more like the body of Christ and they all have their characteristics and differences but they all contribute to the entire Body of Christ. Just my view of it. So, for me, it’s more like “searching for something beyond.”

I remember looking for a Bible school to go to but in my church. I couldn’t find one. So, I remember, googling and I encountered this and although it was different, it was very appealing to me because it’s based on God, Jesus, and Teaching the Word, that’s pretty much how I found DPN.

January 19, 2022

I really don’t remember how I got here, but there was just something about Martiele’s voice. I remember when you taught us how to speak in our heavenly language, and how to minister prophetic words. That was the first time I had ever had that type of interaction about how to do it, and when you ministered the word of the Lord to me, it was almost like a movie. Everything you said was true. So, I was looking for someone who had the true calling of God on them and when my friends and I met you, we all knew that you were truly called and anointed by God. You said a few powerful and everlasting words to each one of us and we talked about it almost every time we do our office communications. You had a lasting impression and it’s still embedded in each of our minds. How much more I can learn from you and your vast experiences. I look at you not just as a powerful woman of God but also as a mentor. It’s almost like, you got me till death.

Also, you prayed for one of my employees’ son and, at the time when you prayed for him, he needed a kidney transplant. You prayed with him and touched his back, the area where his ribs are. You said what was going to happen and it did. He had a kidney transplant and he’s healed now and doing great. He should be going back to work soon and God worked through you. Thank you.

October 23, 2021

I came to DPN because of the presence of heavy supernatural healing. I really wanted supernatural healing. And, your association with Charles and Frances Hunters also caught my attention as well as your prophetic ministry. The churches around my area, quite frankly, do not operate in the gifts of healing and the prophetic. They’re not really that good. They mean well, but they just teach the basics. They don’t go into anything else. I was seeking and wanting more than just the basics.