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I connected to the Dynamic Prayer Network’s “An Evening in the Supernatural” Conference Call that is hosted via Facebook live on Monday Nights, to receive prayer for healing.
Kay Rhodes
Geraldine, originally from Venezuela now lives in North Carolina. She says the prayer line has changed her life by changing her perspective on how to press in.
Geraldine Eldrei
The time of fasting deepened my sensitivity to hearing God’s voice more and I was able to get the understanding of my dream.How awesome is our God!
Desiree Wood
Dynamic Fasting Team

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October 23, 2021

I came to DPN because of the presence of heavy supernatural healing. I really wanted supernatural healing. And, your association with Charles and Frances Hunters also caught my attention as well as your prophetic ministry. The churches around my area, quite frankly, do not operate in the gifts of healing and the prophetic. They’re not really that good. They mean well, but they just teach the basics. They don’t go into anything else. I was seeking and wanting more than just the basics.

October 15, 2021

The DPN prayerline is more than just a place of prayer. It is a calling that God ordains in your life to prepare and propel you forward into the next level of your life. Many years prior to joining the prayer line, God revealed to me that this would be the season and time for a fine-tuning of the elevation and the call on my own life. Press in no matter what is in your way, taste and see that the Lord is good.

Debra Gaynor
September 25, 2021

Well, I really wanted to be around people that loved and fear the Lord. I got attracted to DPN because of its steadfast and continuous prayer culture. They keep on praying because it’s powerful and it helps us to get closer to the Lord. I found a group of committed Believers…it was attractive to me.


April 6, 2022

I am very thankful and honored to have taken part in the leadership program of The Dynamic Prayer Network. In the past I always believed Prophesy was reserved for special Christians other than myself to edify the body of Christ. But after the teachings, Apostle Martiele activated us. Prophesy, pictures and visions are now flowing out of my lips to the glory of Christ Jesus. The program will literally bring the power and the glory of God that the first century church experienced to you on the phone line. Be prepared for a Holy wild ride!

Stephen Capp
March 26, 2022

I know it was a divine appointment with God when I stumbled on DPN online. I didn’t get connected with DPN for a while but when I began to receive invites from you guys to join your meetings, I was led to join in on one of the meetings because I thought. “Wow! That’s so different. What a unique ministry.” Most ministries make it seem like all we need to do, is to remain in the background and/or listen in. But I love the fact that you guys are willing to listen to us. I love the fact that you desire to develop the body of Christ and to help us to grow in our giftings. This is your heart and that is actually what is unique about you and what drew me here. I’ve changed a lot since I’ve been involved with DPN ministry and I just think that’s the real true blessing.

March 23, 2022

Tonight’s teaching was perfect for me, as it was a continuation of what I felt the Holy Spirit had me read this morning. Luke 6:28: “Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” I had been praying that my thoughts, words and deeds would be pleasing to the Lord. After reading this morning, I caught myself thinking about a situation I have had going on for about 16 months now.

Often we may feel justified when someone is doing something wrong to us, and yet I believe the right way is to cover it like Shem and Japheth did with Noah. Today I clearly saw that this is my test. Not just with this specific situation, but with all situations. I see now that even when I am upset with someone, I must not only bless then in my prayers, but refrain from talking about it…even in my own thoughts. It is amazing what God will do when your heart is in the right place.

Diana Green