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I connected to the Dynamic Prayer Network’s “An Evening in the Supernatural” Conference Call that is hosted via Facebook live on Monday Nights, to receive prayer for healing.
Kay Rhodes
Geraldine, originally from Venezuela now lives in North Carolina. She says the prayer line has changed her life by changing her perspective on how to press in.
Geraldine Eldrei
The time of fasting deepened my sensitivity to hearing God’s voice more and I was able to get the understanding of my dream.How awesome is our God!
Desiree Wood
Dynamic Fasting Team

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September 18, 2021

Very unique things have come about as a direct result of working with Martiele and the other members of the DPN Network. Incredible things occur whenever you feel that God has moved you in a certain direction. You become a huge target and the enemy is going to do anything he can to knock you off track. He doesn’t want you to tap into that blessing. He doesn’t want you to hear from the Lord. One of the things that were desperately needed in the Martiele Swanko Ministries and the DPN Network was a computer. I hurt my back so bad that it caused me to spend two days spread out on a bed in severe pain. I went to the emergency room for treatment. They gave me some pain medications and sent me on my way. I called Martiele and as I was talking with her, she sensed that something was wrong. She asked, “What’s going on?” I told her that I was experiencing back pain. She says, “Stop what you are doing. Put your hand on your back.” She began praying, and then asked, “How are you feeling now?” I say, “You know…” She says, “Get up and move around, do things that you are supposed to be doing.” I started doing what she told me to do. In seconds I realized that I was healed. I haven’t had any repercussions since. The pain is completely gone! Once again the DPN network is a work that God has ordained. HE has put it together. It is for anybody and everybody who jumps in. God is going to start moving in your life. He is going to knock down walls and put you in connection with the blessing

Bob Morgan
July 15, 2014

What would you do if the doctors told you that you have to live with the pain and suffering from your illness for the rest of your life? David Quare faced just that. He had been living with a lung infection for almost 6 years, and taking large doses of antibiotics, to rid him of a very serious infection. Finally, his doctor recommended surgery. In May 2015, David underwent a 11.5-hour surgery to cut out the Infection in his lungs. After surgery, David still suffered from severe pain and breathing problems. His doctors told him he would have to live with it for the rest of his life. David stated, “I would get dizzy walking just a few feet, I’d be fighting for air every time I went to feed the chickens in my backyard.” David’s pain was so severe that he would try anything not to laugh, cough or sneeze because it would make him want to “get out of his skin” just to escape the pain. At times, the pain level was about a 9, and extremely painful.

In March 2017, David joined in on DPN’s Miracle Night… An evening in the Supernatural. David requested prayer for His lung condition. Martiele prayed for David, and afterward, she told David to take 3 deep breaths… to do something, He could not do before. David started to take his first breath, and noticed for the first time in almost 7 years, that his lung filled up completely with air. He began to take another breath while thanking Jesus for His healing. David was able to take breathes with almost zero pain. He could laugh again! David stated, “The Doctors gave me no hope. They told me I would have to live with this pain for the rest of my life. My breathing would never get better.”

Today, I am a walking testimony of the power of God.” David now goes fishing with his children, can feed the chickens without having any trouble breathing, run, and walk without having to stop for air. The pain that used to be debilitating, had been reduced to barely anything. Sometimes, It is not even there. He can sneeze, laugh and cough without pain. When asked, What would you say to someone you know that has severe pain? David exclaimed, I’d tell them, “Call into the prayer line on a Monday night, and get your heart ready to receive your miracle!

David Quare

March 26, 2022

I know it was a divine appointment with God when I stumbled on DPN online. I didn’t get connected with DPN for a while but when I began to receive invites from you guys to join your meetings, I was led to join in on one of the meetings because I thought. “Wow! That’s so different. What a unique ministry.” Most ministries make it seem like all we need to do, is to remain in the background and/or listen in. But I love the fact that you guys are willing to listen to us. I love the fact that you desire to develop the body of Christ and to help us to grow in our giftings. This is your heart and that is actually what is unique about you and what drew me here. I’ve changed a lot since I’ve been involved with DPN ministry and I just think that’s the real true blessing.

March 17, 2022

Based on my situation, I was searching for something more. Beyond just going to church on Sundays and something beyond the usual traditions. I stumbled on DPN on the internet and I joined the prayer group. This is what really attracted me to DPN.

I was looking for a place where I would read the Bible by myself and some of it was related to the pandemic also and expanding myself in the faith. In other words, I get to learn A lot more here and it’s so different compared to the church that I go to. It’s more like an expansion of like-minded believers that I could grow with. For instance, I go to a Catholic church and the priests don’t really talk about anything beyond Catholicism and the various terms. My view is that I serve God and that’s number one and to a certain extent, my mind is that I am a non-denominational believer because God is who I serve, I’m a Christian and a part of the body of Christ. So, beyond the institution of the church and Catholicism. I am a Christian before I am anything else so that’s the way I look at it but it depends on your viewpoint but that’s how I see it, that I’m not just stuck in a denomination or believe that one denomination is superior in any way than others. It’s more like the body of Christ and they all have their characteristics and differences but they all contribute to the entire Body of Christ. Just my view of it. So, for me, it’s more like “searching for something beyond.”

I remember looking for a Bible school to go to but in my church. I couldn’t find one. So, I remember, googling and I encountered this and although it was different, it was very appealing to me because it’s based on God, Jesus, and Teaching the Word, that’s pretty much how I found DPN.

January 19, 2022

I really don’t remember how I got here, but there was just something about Martiele’s voice. I remember when you taught us how to speak in our heavenly language, and how to minister prophetic words. That was the first time I had ever had that type of interaction about how to do it, and when you ministered the word of the Lord to me, it was almost like a movie. Everything you said was true. So, I was looking for someone who had the true calling of God on them and when my friends and I met you, we all knew that you were truly called and anointed by God. You said a few powerful and everlasting words to each one of us and we talked about it almost every time we do our office communications. You had a lasting impression and it’s still embedded in each of our minds. How much more I can learn from you and your vast experiences. I look at you not just as a powerful woman of God but also as a mentor. It’s almost like, you got me till death.

Also, you prayed for one of my employees’ son and, at the time when you prayed for him, he needed a kidney transplant. You prayed with him and touched his back, the area where his ribs are. You said what was going to happen and it did. He had a kidney transplant and he’s healed now and doing great. He should be going back to work soon and God worked through you. Thank you.


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March 23, 2022

Tonight’s teaching was perfect for me, as it was a continuation of what I felt the Holy Spirit had me read this morning. Luke 6:28: “Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” I had been praying that my thoughts, words and deeds would be pleasing to the Lord. After reading this morning, I caught myself thinking about a situation I have had going on for about 16 months now.

Often we may feel justified when someone is doing something wrong to us, and yet I believe the right way is to cover it like Shem and Japheth did with Noah. Today I clearly saw that this is my test. Not just with this specific situation, but with all situations. I see now that even when I am upset with someone, I must not only bless then in my prayers, but refrain from talking about it…even in my own thoughts. It is amazing what God will do when your heart is in the right place.

Diana Green