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I am a pastor, and I really enjoy being a part of the DPN Network Prayerline. It allows for lots of prophetic speaking, and it allows me to pour into others. I have received many phone calls from people whose prayers have been answered through the prayerline. Martiele’s Ministries help so many people, and it is a blessing to be a part of it. I have always been aware of my gifts, and I am bold with them. I hear the voice of the Lord and act on what he has told me. The Ministering Spiritual Gift classes have served as a confirmation of this to me and a reminder in my life. Many years ago, the Lord spoke to me of fasting and prayer. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to comply. I struggled with it for a long time. I have been a Christian my whole life. Everything has always been fairly stable, but I was not getting the results I desired. I always felt lonely. I needed someone to pray with. When I found the prayerline, it changed my life. I didn’t feel alone anymore. I finally found people to worship the Lord with. It has given me a sense of community and belonging. My relationship with Him has grown in leaps and bounds since I joined the prayerline. I have also had many prayers answered. I have been healed of pain, found the community I so longed for, learned discipline, and I feel that I have finally found my destiny. Today, I am truly happy.
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