Dynamic Leadership Network

Is T.E.A.M. Ministry – Training, Equipping and Mobilizing Leaders

Dynamic Leadership Training Network (DLTN) was started to fill a void in the ministry training gap. Many Christians have had struggles in fulfilling their ministry due to lack of biblical training in their giftings.

 It has never been easier to get a Bible degree, yet graduates mistakenly assume that a degree means they are ready to Lead a flock or serve God in some ministry capacity. Many individuals have tried to fill a position in the Body that they are not equipped nor commissioned to fill.

DLTN believes this happens because they are not given more opportunities to lead and flow in their gifting’s, while in the local church setting. Many do not have mentors pouring into their lives so they can see if this is really the area God has called them too.

 Just as Doctors have residency training after formal education or Pilots not only take a written exam but also a hands-on oral exam in the air with an approved instructor, so too should those called into leadership in the Church be required to have hands on training from seasoned mentors from an early start.

DLTN recognized the need to give hands on experience for lay people and those that feel called into ministry, something lacking in most local churches. Martiele Swanko stated, “She feels everyone should be giving opportunities not only to serve but also to be trained and taught in the various areas of ministry. 

Yes, some churches offer these opportunities but not in all areas of ministry, especially in the area of flowing in your individual gifts of the Spirit. They are not trained How to pray for the sick and get results, How to flow in the gift of faith, lead a prayer group or How to discern the Voice of God, just to name a few.”
Martiele believes that the proper place for preparation and training of Leaders is in the local church. Churches should be ashamed because they fail miserably in their responsibility to train future Leaders. 

The established Leaders should be mentors to the next generation by pouring themselves into the lives of young men and women whom God has called into the teaching and leadership ministry of the local church, ministries or marketplace. This should be the norm yet it’s usually only seen when it’s a member of the Pastor’s family.

DLTN was established to be a place where those called into Leadership could be trained as well as come to learn their spiritual gifts and areas of calling. 

Here, you are given the opportunity to use your gifts and Learn How to Flow by the Spirit. DLTN also teaches you the importance of team ministry, How to be a Leader and Offers positions to Lead so individuals can gain valuable experience.
We want to assist churches and to assist Pastors in training their Leaders. 

We want to train a generation of Leaders who will train others, and we want to help them in this task. It is the responsibility of the local church to train, affirm, and send pastors into ministry. 

Colleges are significant aids to this end, but they cannot replace the church. The Apostle Paul leaves his parting exhortation to Timothy at a time when there is a crisis in the church’s leadership. 

Paul exhorts Timothy to set the church on a focused course (1 Tim 3:14–15), establishing qualified leadership who are faithful to the call. A key aspect of Timothy’s job is to train–up new leaders so that the church will be on solid footing for subsequent generations.

 Paul’s rallying charge is to remind Timothy that “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim 2:2). This remains the blueprint for training leaders today.