Monday Miracles

MSM Healing School and Prayer

Join us for an evening in the supernatural at our Healing School. This is a place for anyone desiring healing and a deeper revelation of what God’s Word says about wholeness. 

Jesus is our healer but we still need to be good stewards of our temple. 

Each meeting has its unique anointing as the Spirit leads. Spirit-filled medical professionals are some of our keynote guest speakers.

 Topic covered includes teaching on how to take care of your temple holistically, spiritually, nutrition, medication, and testimonials. Each meeting provides encouragement, faith building, and guidance for our guests. We pray for the sick after each life-changing message.

 Many have experienced miraculous healing, life transformation & deliverance. Get inspired, equipped & launched into a lifestyle of healing miracles. Receive your Miracle and Keep it. 

As a Believer, God has a covenant or “contract” with you. In it, He guarantees you the right to enjoy complete health. 

If you experience symptoms of sickness or disease, He has made provision for you to receive your healing (James 5:14-16). But the Bible says you have an adversary, the devil, who would like to keep you in the dark about your covenant promises.

God says in His Word, “I am the Lord that health thee” (Exodus 15:26). The Bible says that in God there is no shadow of turning (James 1:17). God is so consistent that His shadow doesn’t move! If He wanted His people healed then, He wants them healed now! And regardless of the devil, you can receive your healing!

Just as you acted on the promise of salvation, you can act on this promise and enjoy health in your body! You have the Word of God — a powerful and effective weapon against the devil and against sickness and disease! Learn how to use that weapon by joining our Healing School and taking hold of your healing today! A Handy Guide to important healing scriptures is provided in the resource links shown on this page.

 We also posted some excellent Confessions and decrees you can speak over your life as you battle for your healing. 

God’s word is the ultimate medicine.
Come and participate until you get healed and/or have your faith built up enough to stay healed. The Spirit of God is moving, and the Word of God always works!” Come, bring family and friends.

 Learn the truth, then witness and experience the healing power of God. Students are trained in the ministry style that Jesus taught his Disciples. Prayer for the Sick at every Meeting.

Watch MSN Healing School LIVE Streaming on our website here on Mondays at 9 P.M. EST or Join via Conference Call by RSVP (credentials will be emailed to you).

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