Lost in the Crowd and Looking for More

By Ross Abeles


          Being a member of a church is very important in every Christian’s life. Every Sunday you go, maybe dragging your unenthusiastic kids along, and sometimes even we aren’t toe thrilled to go. There are times when you don’t want to partake in the monotonous ceremony that is Sunday morning service, mass or worship, whatever you like to call it. I’ve been there, I am sure that you’ve been there too.  I know I sound pessimistic, but just hear me out.


Every week that you attend, the whole congregation sings songs together, you go up for communion and the pastor (Minister or Priest) presents you with a sermon. All the while you are sitting there in silence. The only time you are allowed to talk is either when you sing, or use one of those generic responses that everyone says together, like “thanks be to god” or “and also with you”.  After the service they often have coffee and pastries available, encouraging people to stay and fellowship. Some people stay, but the majority just leaves. This fellowship is all well and good, but rarely is it to talk about the sermon or anything from the church service for that matter.


Do you ever feel like you just don’t get very much out of your church service? To me it feels impersonal. It feels like I am just another body lost in the crowd of a large congregation. What if there were an opportunity to find people who love the Lord the way that you do? To find a way to get vulnerable and pray with other Christians?  Have you been wanting a stronger relationship with Him, but unable to do so because you don’t know how to pray?  Well I have discovered a place that will change your life. 


Martiele Swanko Ministries has helped countless people on their journey to build a stronger foundation in their relationship with the Lord. The part of her ministry that I have found to be the most remarkable is the Prayerline. The Prayerline is a place where people from all over the world, and all walks of life, come together to get vulnerable, minister to each other, learn about themselves, and how to pray.


Debra Gaynor, active member of the prayerline stated,  “The prayerline is more than just a place of prayer.  It is a calling that God ordains in your life to prepare and propel you forward into the next level of your life.”                   


Many members feel that when you are a part of the prayerline you are heard and you are important.


 Shante Berry, another active member stated, “My favorite part about the prayerline is that everyone has a chance to pray. It also allows us to get vulnerable, which for me is very important.”


At Martiele Swanko Ministries, the prayerline has created a community of people that pray together and are activated in their gifts. Christians are able find others that are just as passionate about their love for Him. It is all too easy to feel alone out their in the world. Martiele has found a unique and exciting way for people to come together in the spirit of the Lord.


Active member Pat Monroe so passionately stated, “I always felt lonely. I needed someone to pray with. When I found the prayerline, it changed my life. I didn’t feel alone anymore. I finally found people to worship the Lord with. It has given me a sense of community and belonging.”


As you can see, there is a “solution” to feeling like you are lost in the crowd. There is a place, a wonderful place, where you can join with others to pray and to love the Lord together. Your voice matters here. We hope to be a part of your life, and your journey of seeking a better relationship with the Lord.

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