Kingdom Warriors
Training Conference 2020

“A conference that will help you increase your spiritual growth, expand your calling, and improve your personal development in ministry.”

Friday @ 7pm EST & Saturday 9am-4pm EST
Conference Details below

Feb 21 & 22nd
Kingdom Warriors will learn how to flow in their gits while attending our School of Supernatural Ministry

Attend via Webinar or conference call.

**T-shirt included in Conference fee

CD’s Available for purchase.


Kingdom Warriors Supernatural Ministry School

“The Kingdom Warriors Supernatural Ministry School trains and equips Believers to carry out the vision God has given them. The School empowers men and women in biblically founded truths. You will be motivated, taught and activated in God’s supernatural power to influence, impact and transform your community.”

  • Discover your Spiritual Gifts
  • Teaching & Activations
  • Learn How to hear Gods Voice
  • Discover how supernatural you really are.
  • Take a leap of Faith with us, get equipped, step forward into the anointing and be activated in your gifts.

church of people

Are you tired of taking classes that just feed you more information, but do not allow a time of activation in what you learned? We have all attended those types of classes. We are told read the Bible, pray, but no one actually walks you through the process so that YOU can learn by doing. This class does, because we activate you, we get you to step out and flow in your gifts!

Maybe you already hear God’s voice, but want to sharpen your skills, receive more clarity and gain a better understanding of how you hear best, so you don’t question, was that God or was that the enemy? You are confident you are hearing His voice.

You don’t need to be a seasoned Christian to Learn How to Flow in your Gifts. Having the right Instructors and environment will help you identify your Spiritual gifts. At The Dynamic Online School of Supernatural Ministry, all our classes have teaching and practice activation: Learn how to walk in faith and not fear, how to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only, learn how to prophesy and walk in the seer gift. Each course level is filled with revelations and instructions.

Each person that participates, will be activated, and receive prophetic words. Your faith will increase, boldness will be imparted and you will experienced a sharp increase in your spiritual senses. The bible states in 1 Cor. 2:4 “..My message and my preaching were not with persuasive words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power..” Here, we demonstrate the power, and so do you!


It’s Really Easy, even if you just got Saved! As a matter of fact, this class should be required for every new Believer because it teaches you that the Supernatural is Who you are and that it should be common place for every Believer to step into the Supernatural.

So, Don’t let fear stop you or a lack of Biblical understanding keep you away. If you truly want to Learn How to Hear God’s Voice and Change your World, begin by registering today! This Conference will truly change your life!

Kingdom Warriors Supernatural Ministry School

“Connecting to class is easy: webinar via your computer, tablet, or mobile device…or by a conference call.
You will be better prepared for your calling, as you practice and exercise your Spiritual Gifts.

Sign up today!
“A community of like-minded student Believers awaits you.”

– Speaker –

Martiele Swanko


Martiele Swanko is the president of Martiele Swanko Ministries, headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She hosts weekly meetings and You Tube broadcasts and is a life coach, author, and speaker. Martiele’s commitment to raise up Kingdom Warriors ™ is felt worldwide as she reaches out to the nations through various mediums, fulfilling her mission and call to transform lives, heal hearts, win souls and train up Warriors

Benefits From This

  • Gain a foundation of why you should prophesy
  • Learn how you best hear from God
  • Your faith will be increased
  • Boldness to deliver a word from God
  • Practice sessions


To Fulfill what the Word says:

Mark 16:17-18 – And these signs will follow those who [a]believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they[b] will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Ephesians 4:12 – for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the [a]edifying of the body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12 – Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant:

The Purpose

“To propel you into your next level of Destiny”

Kingdom Warriors Supernatural Ministry School

Do you want to Learn
How to Flow in your Spiritual Gifts?

“It’s Really Easy, even if you just got Saved! As a matter of fact, this class should be required for every new Believer because it teaches you that the Supernatural is Who you are and that it should be common place for every Believer to step into the Supernatural.
Don’t let fear stop you or a lack of Biblical understanding keep you away. If you truly want to Learn How to Hear God’s Voice and Change your World… this class is a must for You!”

Join us Feb 21 & 22ndth, 2020

Register today – Only $99*, reg $140

Space is limited so hurry!

*First time students only
for MSG Level 1 class, Expires May 10th 2021


Register for all 6 today and receive a $200 discount.
Total for all 6 classes is only $640.00
(Regular price $840.00)

Connect via Webinar or
Conference Call:
For Details,
Text/Call 561-235-2335

Step into your Destiny!


“You don’t need to be a seasoned Christian to Learn How to Flow in your Spiritual Gifts.
Having the right Instructors and environment will help you identify your gifts Step Into Your Destiny”.


Kingdom Warriors Supernatural Ministry School


“I knew when I first came on the Dynamic Prayer Network a couple of years ago, I didn’t necessarily know my gifts, but it has helped me tap into them. I realized then that I was a seer; I did have visions and dreams. I would say that the structure and teaching of this class has helped me acknowledge that I have visions, but I didn’t really understand them. Now I am beginning to understand the visions and receive impressions of confirmation from the Lord. I have since realized that I possess more gifts too. I hear from Him in more ways than just pictures and images, and it’s reassuring when those people who are working towards the same goal are getting that confirmation as well. One of my favorite activities that we’ve done in the class is when we all had to give a word or give what God has placed on our hearts and then work out how they all fall into alignment with each other. It’s neat to see how everything is confirmed and works together. All of this has taught me to just let go and let God. If someone’s going to receive the word, then they’re going to receive it. If they don’t, it’s not for me to worry about.”

Kingdom Warriors School of Supernatural Ministry